Ancestor Healing is the most effective way to heal the earth. This is a bold statement that I find to be truer and truer each day.
I have heard this message grow louder and louder as I walk my path. At the time of the August eclipse, it came front and center in my awareness. I have witnessed the domino effect of healing a single ancestor who is unwell in the spirit world rippling through all future generations, releasing the negative imprint on the earth and allowing it to return to balance, in my life, family and in the lives of my clients. The imprints of our ancestors affect us on a completely sub-conscious level and play out in thousands of ways that we live with every day. In order to land on our feet in this time of turning over, we must turn our attention to our ancestors. We receive the gifts of our ancestors every day. The spiritual resources of innate talents we carry through the DNA. DNA= The combined essence of all of our ancestors- the good the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. We choose our family of origin from the spirit world based on two things. 1- the gifts that come innately through your family of origin. 2- the challenges that come innately through your family of origin. You want to learn through the challenges in this lifetime. We all have thousands of ancestors. We all have some that have lived well and died well. If not, we would not exist. We also all have some that did terrible things. That may be stuck in the spirit world in a way that is negatively affecting all of their descendants. Taking the vibrational disorders in your lineage to the point of origin allows us to affect ourselves and everyone descended from that person as well as the spirits of the earth that have been holding the disordered energy for so long. Disorders that are woven into the fabric of our society began long ago with our ancestors. Such as: -Greed -Sexual dysfunction -Uncontrollable anger and rage -Racism that allows exploitation and abuse of another human being -Dysfunctional core beliefs -etc. A common ailment that I work with clients is having one or more earthbound souls in the lineage. The earth holds the “earthbound souls”, aka ghosts. Being bound to the earth plane after death is an extremely unhealthy situation for the spirit as well as the living. They are stuck in a form and vibrational level they do not belong. In my experience of clearing earthbound souls, there are many reasons they have become stuck. All of them are fragmented souls that are holding onto soul parts of others. This makes them to “heavy” at the moment of death to launch into the spirit world. The way I have come to see it, the body, soul, and spirit fuse at the moment of birth. The soul is the individual experience of life. Who you were, in this lifetime is the soul. It is designed to fragment and hold information in many different ways. The spirit, on the other hand, is the animating force within you. It is not corruptible. It is Infinite, the drop of the mystery that came to try out being you. When someone has a good death, their soul and their spirit leave together. Still fused together they enter the spirit world and begins life in a new way. At the moment of death the spirit, and soul detach from the body. The spirit of the person has no choice but to leave to reenter the infinite. If the soul is unable to go with it, for many reasons listed below. All three aspects of self, shatter and scatter at the moment of death. Leaving an imprint of a life without any free will or imagination to help it figure a way out. It is stuck looping through what went wrong in life. Stuck in the space-time that they were in. Effecting the living people and environment that they are stuck in. They are bound to the earth and the earth to it. Reasons for being stuck I have witnessed: - abusing or being abused - guilt - believing that they are unworthy - greed - rapeing or being raped - murdering or being murdered - not being able to let go of the living - dying suddenly and unexpectedly - etc. The spirits of the earth are negatively affected by the unbalancing force of earthbound souls. If there is a large amount of unresolved death in a place the effect on the environment can be extreme. Causing the nature spirits to be demonized. Releasing the human imprint allows nature to return to equilibrium and harmony within itself. There are many types of ancestors, all at varying degrees of wellness. When entering a working relationship with your ancestors it is necessary to do so with caution. It is best to have some help with the really heavy ones. Yet it is a necessary practice to begin to return this earth to balance. I recommend beginning with honoring your full lineage all the way to the origin. This takes the charge and judgment off. It allows you the big picture and brings a sense of wonder at the fact of your life. We all have ancestors who have lived well and died well. They can support us in many ways from the spirit world they have the perspective of what it is to be human. The struggles of their time were very different from ours. None of our ancestors lived at a time like the one we are currently living through. Yet there is a part of the time we are in that is a direct result of the actions or inactions of our ancestors. We are being influenced by their unhealed wounds, healing them heals us. They need to support us in this time of turning over to support the shift into a new way. Working with your ancestors is a lifetime commitment of tending. It becomes a habit and takes very little effort after the initial focus. The initial focus can be extremely intense and extremely joyful. Understand there is something you can do to affect all this, through ritual, ceremony, shrine, and journey work. To learn more join me for, Introduction to Ancestor Healing Saturday, Nov 4th 10am-1pm Sliding scale $20-$30 With Josephine Please RSVP to [email protected]
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AuthorJosephine Thomason is an artist, healer, teacher. Archives
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