Reflecting on the last two decades of focus on healing arts, healing myself and others, teaching, and growing into my "healed state," I have discovered the obvious truth that the healed state is far from the normal life path in our society. In our healed state, we are all intensely creative. It is our birthright as humans. It is why we are here. To be able to manipulate matter with our hands, our hearts, and our voices. When in our healed state, creativity flows like a waterfall. Once we sail through the ocean of grief and trauma, we wash up on the island of art. This island is personal to each of us. Whatever we focus on is met with creative thought. Once you start listening to the creative flow that comes from the infinite source, it flows through life, making it a place of action and beauty. When we ask for healing, this is where it leads. It takes a lot of courage to allow your healed state to take root in your life. In this world, our creativity is held hostage by poverty, trauma, and survival. To embrace the creative path is a radical act. Imagine this world where your creative expression was met with joy, excitement, and full support of money and time. What would you do? What does your healed state look like? ![]() The Queen of the Night has Pleiadean Freckles By Josephine Thomason 2024 - oil on canvas Available at the Heart of the Sun Gallery.
In the intricate tapestry of human history, symbols and meanings often undergo profound transformations, reflecting both our perceptions and the depths of our collective consciousness. The stories you've shared — of the pentacle, Friday the 13th, and the swastika — illuminate the powerful dance between original essence and the shadow of distortion.
The Pentacle: From Abundance to Misconception: The pentacle, representing the abundance of nature and the divine feminine, has roots in Venus worship. However, it has been co-opted and associated with negative connotations. This transformation speaks to the malleability of symbols and how they can be manipulated to serve different narratives, often obscuring their original essence. Friday the 13th: The Goddess' Day and Unwarranted Fear: Friday the 13th, once a day honoring the goddess and the number 13's connection to Venus, has been distorted into a day of unwarranted fear. This shift reveals how cultural narratives can be rewritten, overshadowing the inherent sacredness of a day and its numeric significance. The Swastika: From Whirling Seasons into Hate: The swastika, originally symbolizing the movement of the Earth and the changing seasons, was hijacked by hate groups. Its transformation into a symbol of white supremacy showcases the destructive power of misappropriation, erasing the profound cultural meanings it once held. ISIS: Goddess of Creation to Extremism: Even the name ISIS, originally associated with an Egyptian goddess symbolizing creation, has been distorted by an extremist terrorist organization. This transformation serves as a stark reminder of how something sacred can be warped into a vessel of destruction. The Quest for Truth and Discernment: Amidst these transformations, the lesson is clear: all things can be corrupted. The path to understanding lies in questioning the foundations of symbols, beliefs, and narratives. It's a call to cultivate discernment, to ask probing questions, and to unveil the layers that often obscure the core truth. From Belief to Knowing: To question, seek, and uncover the layers of symbolism and narrative. It's an invitation to peel back the layers of distortion and discover the unadulterated essence beneath. In the end, the journey of these symbols mirrors our own journeys of self-discovery and awareness. They remind us that perception shapes reality and that understanding the true essence requires peering beyond the veils of distortion. Through curiosity, discernment, and a dedication to uncovering the layers of truth, we can navigate the complex labyrinth of symbolism and meaning, reclaiming the richness that lies within each narrative. As we sit here in the hottest month in recorded history, I have some things to say about why I do the things I do.
I have been focused on energetically healing people and places since 2011. Before that, I was focused on the physical healing of the earth through permaculture design, natural building, and water harvesting. The well-being of the earth and its people has been a lifelong pursuit for me. Over the years, I have learned some invaluable lessons. One of the most profound is the realization that healing the seemingly impossible is achievable. However, it demands exploring the unknown and acknowledging the multidimensional nature of all living beings. To embark on this healing journey, we must break free from the constraints imposed by society, which often dismisses or ridicules the existence of the spiritual world. By overcoming this gaslighting and belittling, we take the first steps toward soul and spirit-level healing. The wounds inflicted upon the earth resonate within each of us, manifesting as fractal soul wounding that we all share. The scars of mines and the energetic remnants of nuclear testing reside within us collectively. My decade-long experience of working with people has shown me that there are consistent energetic blockages present in all of us, as well as our own individual wounding. I firmly believe that personal healing holds the key to transforming our planet. By healing ourselves, we take the initial stride toward healing the Earth itself. This belief isn't merely a subjective viewpoint; it is a profound knowing that has grown within me. In my pursuit of understanding, I have come to recognize the significant influence of our ancestors' ghosts on our current reality. A backlog of ghost energy holds us in suffering, clogging the circulatory systems of the earth. To mend our societal wounds and alleviate the burden on the earth and nature spirits, we must embark on the journey of ancestor healing. As individuals, our fragmentation creates a ripple effect that extends into the collective consciousness. Coming to this awareness can be overwhelming, taking us to our knees in grief. However, this process is a necessary step on the path to healing. While the gravity of these insights might seem daunting, I also want to emphasize that there are actionable steps we can take. These are within our capacity to address and, in truth, we are the only ones who can take these steps. I believe it is essential to focus on three main areas: soul loss, ancestor healing, and past life fragmentation. These aspects are interwoven with the earth's own being. During the healing process, it is the earth that guides us, providing the fragments and pieces necessary for restoration. The beings of nature play a crucial role, in safeguarding these fragmented parts, and the nature spirits are profoundly impacted by our healing work. In light of the climate crisis, I firmly believe that the most effective and sustainable action we can take to address climate change is to concentrate on our individual healing. Then from a clear place of compassion and love pick up a shovel and a pen to make the physical changes necessary. By healing ourselves, we create a ripple effect of positive change that extends beyond our own lives, touching the earth and its many beings. Thank you for taking the time to explore these thoughts with me. I hope they inspire you to consider the profound impact of your own personal healing in shaping a healthier and more harmonious world for all. I am considering offering a class beginning in September on how to focus on your personal healing as an act of healing for the collective. Let me know if you are interested. - woo-woo / (ˈwuːˌwuː) / adjective derogatory, slang based on or involving irrational superstition -Wu (Chinese: 巫; pinyin: wū; Wade–Giles: wu) is a Chinese term translating to "shaman" or "sorcerer", originally the practitioners of Chinese shamanism or "Wuism" (巫教 wū jiào). Wu. Chinese name. -What does Wu mean in Zen? not The character 無 (Wu (Chinese); Mu (Japanese)) connotes the meaning of 'not', 'nothing', or 'nothingness'. Our interest here is used by the Chan/Zen schools of Buddhism, where it indicates a kind of intuitional knowledge. Pure human awareness, prior to experience or knowledge (no experience) --- Exploring the concept of "woo-woo" and its derogatory connotations. In contemporary language, "woo-woo" is often used to dismiss beliefs or practices that are deemed irrational or based on superstition. It's a term that can be weaponized to belittle and undermine the experiences of others, particularly those who embrace spiritual or metaphysical perspectives. Gaslighting, a manipulative technique used to make someone doubt their own reality, can be associated with the derogatory use of "woo-woo." When individuals are labeled as such, it can create a psychological effect that discourages them from exploring or sharing their experiences. By invalidating these experiences, power is taken away from the individual and their beliefs are marginalized. Questioning and doubting everything is an essential part of growth and understanding. However, the issue lies in dismissing experiences and beliefs that might not fit within the framework of what is considered "tangible proof." The unknowable or spiritual aspects of life are not always easily quantifiable, but that doesn't make them any less valid for those who have experienced them. This is a starting point for fostering open conversations about the unknown and the metaphysical. In doing so, we can unravel the biases and prejudices associated with the term and create a space for exploring diverse beliefs and experiences. I self-identify as someone who lives in Wu. It makes it much easier when someone tries to dismiss my perspective and perception as invalid. I hope this helps you own your truth and experiences as well. ![]() Soul retrieval is a term used to describe the process of repairing the soul after any type of soul loss. Soul loss is a spilling of your life force essence. Think of yourself as a glass of water that can easily spill. As you go through life you spill, a little here, a little there, and sometimes a lot all at once. Soul Retrieval is cleaning up the spills. As we go through life there will be soul fragmentation. It is a natural response to trauma. Soul retrieval is practiced in some form in all original societies and has been practiced in many forms in many cultures for thousands of years. We live in a time that original wisdom is belittled and the result is that we live in a pandemic of soul loss. Soul loss is not something that is commonly accepted as part of our society, yet is a deeply explored theme in much of our art and literature; the product of our collective unconscious. How many pop songs are about giving or taking part of me? How many paintings depict people with their hearts stitched up, on fire, or empty? We have many common phrases to the phenomena such as; "I feel like there is a hole in my heart", "He has a piece of me", and "She still has me even though...". An abundance of poetry, prose, and movies all revolve around this theme. The important thing to understand is that it is normal and healthy to fragment. It is a way of ensuring that in a moment of great pain, we can minimize the damage, protect ourselves, and survive. Most people in our society suffer from some amount of soul loss at one time or another. There is nothing shameful, unnatural, or uncommon about it. Symptoms of Soul Loss may include: Depression Anxieties Feeling not fully here Feeling disconnected Severe Anger or Confusion Chronic pain Chronic illness Memory loss Phobias Types of Soul Loss as I see them: The Big Chunk - caused by a one-time traumatic event. The Small Shards -caused by an ongoing traumatic situation in the home, at work, or at school. Soul Theft - when another person takes part of you on purpose (usually on a subconscious level) to fill a void in themselves. The Soul Scar - caused by trauma in a past life that has carried over into this one. Informing fear patterns on a subconscious level. These can lead to phobias. I am here to let you know that there is something that you can do about it. It is my honor to offer you the opportunity for your wholeness. Soul retrieval is the process of repairing the soul after experiencing soul loss, which is a natural response to trauma that can lead to symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and disconnection. Soul retrieval has been practiced in many cultures for thousands of years, but is often overlooked in modern society. Soul loss is a common experience, and there is no shame in seeking help to regain wholeness. Spring Equinox Gathering
Saturday March 18th 11am-1pm Join me for a lovely day welcoming spring. Celebrating with Nature this turning of the wheel. We will offer a collective water ceremony for cleansing and coming current with our energy. Aligning with this time and where we find ourselves now. Location: comes with registration for clear communication email me [email protected] Cost : Donations appreciated If you wanted to buy some of my art this year but couldn’t choose which one. I made a calendar for you full of my art and important astrological dates for ceremony. Marking full and new moons, eclipses, solstice and equinox points, the Venus gate cycle, Mercury retrograde cycles, Mars retrograde, and other significant dates to be observed.
If you need one of these in your life I am taking preorders. I am happy to print one for you. Only one week left to see the show at Tiny Town gallery. Thirteen thankyous to all who have bought my work. It means so much to me. If you haven't made it down to see it you have a few days left.Or you can buy them online here. I have heard a rumor that people like to hear the story of the behind the scenes of the creative process. So…here is some backstory to go with my painting “Vesta Tending The Hearth Flame.” The inspiration for this painting came as a series I did when I was teaching a class on the astrology of the asteroid goddesses. These paintings were part of my prep work for my class. Art is a big part of my understanding of a subject for my dyslexic mind. The asteroid goddesses were discovered at the end of the 1800s. Their discovery corresponds with the women's movement. The naming of these newly discovered asteroids for the Roman Goddesses helped to balance the male-dominated naming of the solar system. Vesta, or Hestia, was Zeus's elder sister who never married. In mythology, she became the protectress of the hearth and the sacred altar flame. The archetypal Temple Priestess, Vesta is a virgin in the original sense of being whole and complete in oneself. In the system of goddess symbols, she represents the principle of spiritual focus and of devotion to following one's calling. The fertile sexual energy of Venus is used by Ceres to birth children of the body, by Pallas to birth children of the mind, by Juno to build relationships with others, and by Vesta to deepen a relationship with the Self or with the Divine. Vesta symbolizing the energy of the hearth flame symbolizes the primal need for home. As I connected to this idea it was very clear that the energy of Vesta began long before the Roman Empire. So I chose to paint her in the Lascaux caves in France. Showing her as an original ancestor. As I was exploring the cave paintings and trying to emulate them in my painting it was very clear how skilled these prehistoric artists were. The grace and curves of the bull are so lovely. I greatly enjoyed studying these OG masters. This portrait of Vesta is my interpretation of the primal energy of home that we all need in our lives in order to thrive. The astrological energy of Vesta invites us to understand the fire at the center of the home that can transform and transmute the pain of the world. She teaches how to tend that fire so that no one can take it away from you. Understanding Vesta's placement in your chart will help you understand how to honor and tend the hearth within your heart. Around 10 years ago I was called to work with healing the earths pathways of light or ley lines as they are sometimes called. the first site I was called to work on was the rock quarry at A mountain. I remember how big it felt as I walked around it doing the work of repairing the broken line. Following guidance every step because I truly had no idea what I was doing. when the repair was complete I remember thinking oh it is just plumbing. I will be Pachamama's plumber. over the next few years I was called to bigger and bigger mines. The Portland cement mine, then the Duval Mine, then the mines down in Bisbee. I looked straight in the face of the epic stupidity of humanity as well as my own evolvement. How the zipper on my pants and the wires in the fan that keeps me cool all come from the earth. I had to sit with my judgment and my desire to be innocent. I went into deep depression that I wasn't sure I could pull out of.
During this time I went to the Gem show with my son who was 12 at the time. As we were parking he starts telling me all about this mining technique that involves blasting the side of the mountain until all the goodies just fall out. He clearly thought this was such a great idea. My immediate reaction was " Ye gods that is terrible! what are they thinking just ripping open the earth like that!" My sweet son looks at me and askes the ultimate question. "Then how do we do it right?" How Do We Do It Right? The truth is as a society we love our technology. whatever the cost. Me included. So how do we do it right? I have sat with this question a good long time. I am still not sure but I do know a few things. Working with natures intelligence and specifically asking permission would go a long way. If there is a right way Nature would be able to tell us how to do it. In my experience of earth healing. nature is not nostalgic or unwilling to change the way we humans are. If we worked co creatively with nature on the question it would be the most efficient and sustainable mining operation on the planet. It would require that we take no for an answer. I guess the question become is consensual mining a possibility. I just came across this idea of showing your work as the the thing to break through obstacles. Sharing the struggles and giving the behind the scenes truth of the process. In that vain I begin to offer, with very little editing. So forgive my dyslexic writing.
I feel it is impossible to set dates for offerings. I do not feel safe in creating anything that will likely be torn down, cancelled, dumped. Covid is a great ruiner of creative inspiration. I fondly remember the days when I would set dates for offerings willynilly, No Biggy. Now, an in person class feels rude. Yet an online one feels like torture. I did offer online, I did try. Technology failed me. I have a bad attitude. Yet it is very clear that if I do not try to enjoy online I will just not be teaching. That is even worse. I love teaching and sharing what I do. Teaching online is so different than in person classes and workshops. There is a learning curve on how to really engage with your students through the screen that I haven't learned. I find zoom very overwhelming to my nervous system and tracking students in different locations makes me twitchy. And yet...I miss the connections between people, the profound transformation that can take place. I hope to read this someday and remember how I found my way through this. I believe I will. |
AuthorJosephine Thomason is an artist, healer, teacher. Archives
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